Fermi GBM data are all public and available at the Fermi Science Support Center. Using the GBM Browse Tables for the Fermi GBM Trigger Catalog, you can find TGF triggers by searching on trigger_type = TGF and selecting from the data products that are returned.
The sensitivity of GBM to triggered TGFs has improved since launch, owing to flight software improvements made in November 2009. The rate has increased from one every two weeks to two TGFs per week. The table below shows trigger times and Fermi spacecraft positions for each of the GBM-triggered TGFs since the launch of Fermi in 2008.
Lightcurves for each of these TGFs appear at the link below, where you can see thumbnails of each TGF detected in a particular month, or click on one of the thumbnails to start browsing through the entire catalog using the side arrows. The temporal resolution is 20 microseconds per bin for events lasting less than 1 millisecond, 100 microseconds for those between 1 and 10 ms, and 0.5 ms for longer (electron) events. The cyan vertical lines delineate the boundaries of the t90 interval, which is the period during which 90% of the total TGF counts are accumulated. The times on the x-axes are ms relative to t=0, which is the time GBM was triggered by the event. The smallest integration time to establish a trigger is 16 ms. For a description of our TGF observations please consult the papers linked above.
GBM-related TGF publications from the Gamma-Ray Astronomy team are listed here.
The first GBM TGF Catalog Click here.
The second GBM TGF Catalog Click here.

Fermi GBM TGF lightcurves!Click here