Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters

3rd Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts
Symposium Program


K. Hurley (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory)
Are the Soft Gamma Repeaters a Motley Crew?

T. Murakami, R. Shibata (ISAS), S. Kulkarni(CALTECH) and A. Yoshida (RIKEN)
X-ray Spectrum of a Possible X-ray Counterpart of SGR0526-66 (N49)

Rudolf Danner (MPE & Caltech), J. Trumper (MPE), S.R. Kulkarni (Caltech)
A periodic variable X-ray counterpart to SGR 0525-66?

I. Smith (Rice U.) K. Hurley, L. Chernin (U. C. Berkeley) A. Schultz (NASA Ames) L. Waters, J. van Paradijs (U. Amsterdam) C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall) F. Vrba (USNO) D. Hartmann (Clemson U.) P. Durouchoux (Saclay) P. Wallyn (JPL)
Infrared, Submillimeter, and Millimeter Observations of the Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters

Christopher Thompson (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)
Astrophysics of the Soft Gamma Repeaters

Alice K. Harding & Matthew G. Baring (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
A Photon Splitting Cascade Model of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters

M. Coleman Miller, Tomasz Bulik (Univ. of Chicago)
Compton scattering effects in the spectra of soft gamma-ray repeaters


V. G. Bezchastnov (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute)
Hard X-ray radiative opacity in atmospheres of SGRs with huge magnetic fields

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA, Madrid)
SGR 0526-66 only 2.6 days after

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA, Madrid)
GRS 1915+105 and SGR 1900+14

Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Kaiyou Chen, Ed Fenimore, Cheng Ho (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Effects of Magnetic Photon Splitting in Soft Gamma Repeaters and the March 5th Event

A. Crider (LANL, Rice Univ.), E. E. Fenimore (LANL)
A Search for March 5th-like Bursts in the PVO and BATSE Databases

J. Greiner, (MPE Garching), S. Kulkarni (Caltech), D. Frail (NRAO)
Search for an X-ray Counterpart of SGR 1900+14

K. Hurley, P. Li (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab.), F. Vrba, C. Luginbuhl (USNO), D. Hartmann (Clemson Univ.), I. Smith (Rice Univ.), S. Kulkarni, M. van Kerkwijk (Caltech), L. Campusano (Univ. of Chile), M. Graham, R. Clowes (Univ. of Central Lancashire), C. Kouveliotou, C. Meegan, G. Fishman (MSFC), D. Frail (NRAO)
The Search for the Counterpart to SGR1900+14

Edison Liang, Ian Smith (Rice U.) Hui Li, E. Fenimore (LANL)
Radiation and Particle Energization Mechanisms in Soft Gamma Repeaters

William A. Mahoney, Thomas N. Gautier, James C. Ling, Pierre Wallyn, and Wm. A. Wheaton (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and Philippe Durouchoux (CEA-Saclay, France)
Infrared Observations of SGR1900+14

D. Marsden, R. Rothschild, R. Lingenfelter, R. Puetter (UCSD)
ROSAT Observations of Supernova Remnant N49

T. Murakami (ISAS), E. Fenimore (LANL), C. Kouveliotou, M. Briggs (MSFC) and A. Yoshida (RIKEN)
A Combined Gamma-ray Burst Spectrum of SGR1806-20 in 1-200 keV with ASCA and BATSE

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Author: Dr. J.J. Brainerd (
Responsible Manager: Steve Elrod
Web Curator: Valerie Connaughton
Last Updated: November 8, 1996.